kumaun university phd entrance exam

Apply now for Kumaun University PhD Entrance Exam 2021: Exam Date, Admit card, Number of seats for Botany, Zoology, Biotechnology

Online application for kumaun university phd entrance exam known as Research degree entrance test (RDET) 2021 are out now. Online application starts 28/October/2021 Last date 5/December/2021 Examination Fees Rs 2,050 Tentative date of examination 19/December/2021 Admit Card Download Will be announced later Examination Centres Haldwani and Nainital Total Vacancy for Biotechnology 2 Total Vacancy for Botany 5 Total Vacancy for Zoology 2 Research Degree Entrance Test (RDET) 2021 5. Selection procedure, written exam, and interview To test the research aptitude of the candidate in related subject a written examination of 100 marks shall be conducted by the University. The total duration of this examination shall be of 02 hrs. Question paper shall contain 100 objective/multiple-choice type questions and each question shall carry one mark with no negative marking. RDET will be followed by an interview of 100 marks at the respective department which will be conducted by HOD & Convener of the respective department. The Qualifying Percentage of Marks in the written Entrance Examination will be:- Unreserved-50%, OBC-45% and SC/ST/VH/PH – 40%. The candidates who qualify the written examination the final merit will be prepared in accordance with 70% weightage of the marks obtained in written entrance examination plus 30% weightage of the marks obtained in interview. 6. Download Admit Card for Kumaun University PhD 2021 Exam The download link will be available 7 days before the entrance exam. 7. Free online mock test for kumaun university phd entrance exam RDET 2021 8. Online application for RDET 2021 9. RDET 2021 PhD entrance exam information brochure

Apply now for Kumaun University PhD Entrance Exam 2021: Exam Date, Admit card, Number of seats for Botany, Zoology, Biotechnology Read More »

WHO approves first antimalarial drug Mosquirix

First antimalarial drug Mosquirix The World Health Organisation (WHO) has approved the first antimalarial vaccine RTS, S/AS01 (Mosquirix™) in the world. The World Health Organization has finally approved the world’s first antimalarial drug. Why is this such a big deal? Well, I’ll tell you why, every two minutes a child dies of malaria and this vaccine can save that child and millions of others. The vaccine is called RTS,S (trade name Mosquirix), it is 40% effective and that too not against all types of malaria parasites. This vaccine targets the parasite that’s most common in Africa- Plasmodium falciparum. It’s a 4 dose vaccine with all doses given between the 5th and the 18th month of a child. How long did it take for the World Health Organisation to recommend this vaccine? The European Medicines Agency authorized it in 2015 but the WHO sat on it for six years. How long did the development of an antimalarial drug take? Centuries. Malaria has been claiming lives since the Mesopotamian civilization. In the 20th century alone malaria claimed nearly 300 million lives. Malaria was not the priority of western countries? Then why did it take so long to develop a vaccine? Was science not in its favour? Well, the problem was not science, the problem was with lack of political desire. You see research needs money and push but the countries devastated by malaria are the world’s poorest mostly African countries where a lot of families cannot even afford a mosquito net. Malaria was not the priority of the West. Let us talk some numbers, there are 229 million cases of malaria every year 94% of these cases are reported in Africa. The continent records more than 400,000 malaria deaths every year and most of these victims are children. Outside Africa, less than 90,000 people lose their lives to malaria every year so the world chooses to not care. Malaria vs Wuhan virus vaccine In contrast, consider the Wuhan virus it affects rich countries too. In 2020 the western world was suffering, the economy was suffering so companies deep-dived into research and governments poured billions of dollars to create vaccines on priority. The US alone donated $9 billion for COVID development in 2020. What about the malaria vaccine the entire world pulled together $7.3 billion in malaria research from 2007 to 2018 that’s less than a billion dollars every year. Yes, the malaria parasite is more complicated than the Wuhan virus but the story for the extremely delayed development of a malaria vaccine does not end there. The truth is that a malaria vaccine has never really been a priority. We saw how the covid vaccine smashed all records, we were rolling out doses at speed one couldn’t imagine in the pharmaceutical world. The world made not one not two more than 22 Wuhan virus vaccines in 20 months. Seven of them have already been given emergency use authorization by the World Health Organisation, 124 others are in clinical development stage 194 in preclinical trial and this is not a cooked up story, it’s the data from WHO. What explains the speed is that the vaccine makers, the approvers, the donors all had the required incentive. These vaccines had a market, a malaria vaccine does not have a market this big. Africa is a continent of 1.3 billion people that’s the population of India. Demand for a malaria vaccine is concentrated in just sub-Saharan Africa. WHO estimates say there could be a requirement of 110 million doses per year by 2036 that’s not a big market not big enough for pharma giants to book their resources. There is also not enough money to be made with the sale of each dose. GSK partners with Bharat bioetch in the production of first antimalarial drug GSK or GlaxoSmithKline the company producing the malaria vaccine has said that it will price the jab at 5% above the cost of production. 15 million annual doses will be produced for now and these vaccines will also be made in India. GSK has partnered with India’s Bharat biotech. Another vaccine called R21 is in stage three of clinical trials, it is being developed by Oxford University it will be made by the serum institute of India. Conclusion That’s all very well but could all of this have been fast-tracked? had malaria overwhelmed in the hospitals of New York, Italy, Spain or China perhaps the story would have been different and we sincerely hope it doesn’t spread to these parts. That’s not what we’re saying what we’re trying to say is that malaria for Africa is worse than covid. Malaria killed 386,000 Africans in 2019 the Wuhan virus killed 212,000 in the last 18 months. Because all of this is happening in Africa it never makes it to the headlines but now that we know how fast vaccines can be developed let’s try to not be blinded by profit. The world should apply this urgency to develop vaccines for other diseases too. Vaccines are a lifesaver and we have come a long way, we defeated smallpox, polio but there is still no long term vaccine for tuberculosis, West Nile, Zika, HIV, the malaria vaccine we say is a great start but there’s a long way to go. Suggested content to read 1. The love-hate relationship of mosquito towards the light 2. State of PhD in India

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Solved Question Paper BHU M.Sc Forensic Science

BHU M.Sc. Entrance Exam 2020 Section-A Solved Question Paper The BHU M.Sc. Forensic Science entrance exam consists of a total of 120 questions. Section A- General science and General nature are provided here (80 questions) To solve Section B Biology click here (40 questions)     BHU 2020 M.Sc. Forensic Science Section A- General Science and General Nature

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Download 2020 BHU M.Sc. Forensic Science Exam Question Paper

Solve BHU M.Sc Forensic Science Entrance Exam Question Paper 2020 Mock Test BHU Forensic Science question paper has 2 sections.  Section A- 80 questions Click here to solve (Compulsory for all) Section B- Biology, Physics, and Chemistry 40 questions (Optional, you have to choose any one of the 3) Total questions- 120 Marks- 360 Section B- Biology questions for 2020 BHU Forensic Science are given below. BHU M.Sc. Forensic Science 2020 Question Paper  

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M.Sc. Environmental Science 2020 BHU Entrance Question Paper

BHU Environmental Science Section B Life Science Questions 2020 The M.Sc. Environmental science BHU entrance exam has two sections. The Section A (40 questions) Basic Environmental science is on the link provided. Section B containing 80 questions from life sciences are provided below. M.Sc. Environmental science Life science Section B- (80 Questions)

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M.Sc Environmental Science Exam BHU 2020 Solved Question Paper

Banaras Hindu University M.Sc. Environmental Science Solved Question Paper 2020 The M.Sc. environmental science entrance exam consists of 2 sections. Section A- (Compulsory for all) 40 questions from Basic environmental science. Section B- 80 questions for Life science or Zoology and Botany students OR Section B- 80 questions for Physical science OR Section B- 80 questions for Earth science students Section A is provided below Section A- Basic Environment Science 2020 Question Paper Nickel is an essential for which enzyme in plants ? ?  Fructose- 1,6- bisphosphatase ?  Urease ?  Catalase ?  Sucrose synthase Major reservoir of atmospheric OH molecule is : ?  Hydroperoxyl radical ?  Ozone ?  Hydrogen peroxide ?  Methane How many goals are there in UN Sustainable Development Goals ? ?  Seven ?  Seventeen ?  Fifteen ?  Ten Nutrient enrichment of water leads to : ?  Solidification ?  Nitrification ?  Dentrification ?  Eutrophication Which of the following is the major source of atmospheric SO2 pollution ? ?  Coal combustion ?  Global warming ?  Automobile emissions ?  Biomass burning Which among the following weeds in India having religion significance ? ?  Eupatorium perfoliarum ?  Panhenium hysterophorus ?  Calorropis procera ?  Ageratum conyzoides Which of the following is a biodiversity hotspot in India ? ?  Sunderbans ?  Pachmarhi ?  Rann of Kuch ?  Western Ghats UN agency for making policy guidelines regarding biodiversity conservationand management is : ?  IUCN ?  IPBES ?  DIVERSITA ?  IPCC Blackfoot disease is caused by : ?  Cadmium ?  Mercury ?  Arsenic ?  Zinc Largest source of freshwater resource on the Earth is ?  Glaciers and permanent snow ?  Groundwater ?  Lakes and rivers ?  Marshes and wetlands Y- shaped energy flow model in the ecosystem was proposed by ?  Lindeman ?  Wiegert and Owen ?  Odum ?  Golley Hot spots are the regions which are rich in ?  Biodiversity ?  Invasive species ?  Nomadic population ?  Atmospheric pollutants The Environment (Protection) Act came into force in the year ?  1974 ?  1980 ?  1984 ?  1986 Which of the following law states that the absorptivity and emissivity of asubstance are equal at each wavelength, λ ? ?  Stefan Boltzmann Law ?  Stock’s Law ?  Kirchhoff’s Law ?  Henry Law The capacity of an ecosystem to come back to its original state after a disturbance : ?  Biotic potential ?  Ecesis ?  Carrying capacity ?  Resilience DDT is an example of : ?  Carbonate ?  Pyrethroids ?  Organophosphate ?  Organochloride Which of the following is the cleanest city of India ? ?  Ahmedabad ?  Bhopal ?  Shillong ?  Indore Large sized vessels for producing an industrial product at large scale is known as : ?  Incubator ?  Autoclave ?  Bioreactors ?  Centrifuge Halocline is the region showing change in : ?  Salinity ?  Pressure ?  Density ?  Temperature The agency responsible for monitoring SDGs implimentation in India : ?  NGT ?  MoEF & CC ?  NITI Aayog ?  DST Kanha National Park is situated in : ?  Assam ?  Madhya Pradesh ?  Uttar Pradesh ?  Maharashtra The flattest planet of the Solar System is : ?  Pluto ?  Jupiter ?  Mars ?  Saturn ‘Good economics for hard times’ written by : ?  Y.N. Harari ?  A. Banerjee & E.Duflo ?  Jefferey D. Sachs ?  Aldo Leopold The measurement of appropriation of land and water area utilizable as a resourceas well as for the absorption of wastes is commonly referred to as : ?  Material footprint ?  Water footprint ?  Ecological footprint ?  Energy footprint The metal used to recover copper from a solution of copper sulphate is : ?  Na ?  Ag ?  Hg ?  Fe Polar orbiting satellites are generally placed at an altitude of : ?  7-15 km ?  700- 1500 km ?  7000- 15000 km ?  70- 150 km Which of the following is a major coal reserve in India ? ?  Jaunpur ?  Hissar ?  Jharia ?  Kottayam Red data list includes those species that are : ?  Harmful to human beings ?  Responsible for pollution ?  Facing the risk of extinction ?  Abundant in nature Which among the following is the classical book whichaddressed the impact of DDT pollution is ? ?  The Sea Around Us ?  The Sand Country Almanac ?  Once Straw Revolution ?  Silent Spring Which of the following is mixed with Bitumen to lay roads ? ?  Polychain ?  Polybend ?  Polynone ?  Polyclean Among of biodegradable oraganic matter in sewage water is estimated by measuring : ?  Hardness ?  Biochemical Oxygen Demand ?  Chemical Oxygen Demand ?  Alkalinity Which of the following is an invasive species in India ? ?  Water hyacinth ?  Water lily ?  Water chestnut ?  Fox nut Rad is a : ?  Unit of radiation in environment ?  Unit of radioactivity ?  Unit of absorbed radiation dose ?  Unit of radioactive breakdown of Radon Which type of coal contain maximum sulphur ? ?  Bituminous ?  Anthracite ?  Peat ?  Lignite In accordance of the ‘Paris Agreement’, India’s commitment to increasethe share of renewable energy by the year 2030 is : ?  40% of installed capacity ?  40% of utilized capacity ?  45% of installed capacity ?  45% of utilized capacity UN has recently declared 2021-2030 as : ?  International decade of ecosystem restoration ?  International decade of marine conservation ?  International decade of forest restoration ?  International decade of biodiversity conservation Which of the following antibiotics block protein synthesis in bacteria ? ?  Ampicillin ?  Pencillin ?  Carbenicilin ?  Tetracycline Rill, gully and riparian are types of : ?  Wind erosion ?  Water erosion ?  None of the three ?  Landslide erosion In an ecosystem, the flow of energy is : ?  Unidirectional ?  Mutidirectional ?  Cyclic ?  Bidirectional Most abundant element of earth crust is : ?  Sulphur ?  Aluminium ?  Iron ?  Oxygen

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Download BHU M.Sc. Biochemistry 2020 Question Paper

Download Solved PDF of BHU M.Sc. Biochemistry (PET 2020) Entrance Exam Question Paper To Download BHU M.Sc. Biochemistry Question Paper- Click here To solve More Mock tests- Click here You can solve the Mock test prepared from the 2020 Biochemistry BHU questions, which is given below. BHU Entrance Exam M.Sc. Biochemistry 2020 Question Paper

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