1. What is incorrect for Marsilea?
2. Algae without pyrenoids but having leucosin granules as reserve food belong to class:
3. Ergot is important medically and is derived from:
4. Blue mould is common name of:
5. Which bryophyte was used extensively for dressing wounds during first world war?
6. There is no chloroplast endoplasmic reticulum membrane around the chloroplast in members of:
7. More than two flagella are present on the swarmers of:
8. Cladonia and Usnea are:
9. Which one is a halophytic alga ?
10. The red color of red sea is due to the presence of:
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11. Oil as reserve food material is found in:
12. Heterocyst is always terminal in position in:
13. Neuromotor apparatus is found in :
14. Triphasic life cycle is found in:
15. The non-motile male gamete in Rhodophyceae is called:
16. Who classified all fungi into Mycota and divided it in two- Myxomycota and Eumycota ?
17. ‘White rust disease' of crucifers is caused by :
18. When sporangia in a fern develop from a single initial cell, it is called :
19. Which of the following fungi has acellular protoplasmic body and moves by pseudopodia ?
20. Bulbous appendages are found on the cleistothecium of ?
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21. Retort cells are found in :
22. Stomata are present in Funaria plant on :
23. In Psilotum, spore producing organs are called :
24. In grazing food chain, energy passes through :
25. The inverted pyramid of biomass is observed in :
26. The rate of storage of organic matter by consumers in excess of respiratory utilization during the period of measurement in the ecosystem is termed as:
27. Which abiotic factor generally limit plant growth in xeric habitats ?
28. Which of the following method is commonly used for measuring net primary productivity of grassland ecosystem ?
29. Who put forward the view that a plant community behaves like as “Super Organism"?
30. In two-species population interaction, when both populations benefit but relationship is not obligatory, it is called as :
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31. Based on the relation of the ground surface to plant’s regenerating tissue, Danish botanist Raunkiaer divided plants into :
32. Phanerophytes are dominant component of vegetation in :
33. Selective absorption and storage of great variety of molecules inside living cells is termed as :
34. The aging process of lake from low production to high production state due to enrichment of nutrients is referred to as :
35. The main source of atmospheric
36. The concept of n-dimensional hypervolume niche is credited to :
37. The dangers of indiscriminate use of chemicals upsetting the balance of nature is highlighted in the book “Silent Spring" written by :
38. Locally adapted genetically distinct populations of a species with wide geographical distribution are called :
39. Which one characterizes a key-stone species ?
40. r-selection of population is characteristic of :
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41. Progressive increase of toxic chemicals in successive higher level organisms is known as :
42. Species occurrence restricted to a small area is called :
43. Which one of the following is used in purification of polluted water ?
44. Who elaborated the concept of ecological races ?
45. Which component of chromosomes gets stained during Feulgen staining ?
46. In a cross, the same genotypic and phenotypic
F2 ratio as 1 : 2 : 1
represents a case of:
47. Which of the following theories of evolution is most acceptable ?
48. Suicide bags of cells are :
49. Complete linkage is found in :
50. Which of the following statements is correct ?
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51. The level of compaction in DNA achieved by nucleosome sub-structure of chromatin is :
52. Monosomics in diploid for all its chromosomes is known in :
53. XY sex-determining mechanism in plants was extensively studied in :
54. The genes whose products are constantly needed for cellular activity are known as :
55. Colchicine during root tip mitosis is used for :
56. Crossing over takes place in :
57. Synaptonemal complex is associated with :
58. A ring of three chromosomes during pachytene refers to:
59. In a heterozygote, during pachytene, looped out configuration on the normal chromosome indicates :
60. Minute apertures connecting adjacent cells are known as :
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