RDET Previous Year Zoology question paper Kumaun University 2020By Kamal Pandey / June 2, 2021 / PhD EntranceThis is the Part-2 of Previous Year Zoology question paper Kumaun University. To solve Part-1 Click here.Part-2 1. Sibling species term was used by Mayr in the year: 1924 1925 1942 1968 None 2. Mutation theory considers only one of the following: Natural selection Somatic variation Continuous variations Discontinuous variation None 3. 'Use of evolution is a population not species' is one of the essential points of: Darwinism Neo Darwinism Lemarkism Neo Lemarkism None 4. Gametogenesis is an example of: Meiosis Mitosis Interphase Replication of DNA None 5. Pyloric glands in herdmania are present in: Stomach and intestine Stomach and pharynx Pharynx and intestine Oesophgus and intestine None 6. Members of the order Myxiniformes are commonly known as: Sharks Long fishes Hag Fishes Lampreys None 7. Skull in members of Ratitae is: Schizognathous Desmognathous Diomognathous Aegithognathous None 8. Typical prototherian character is: 4-Chambered heart Presence of cloaca Torsal spur in males Segmented sternum None 9. Teeth of prototherians are: Diphyodont Thecodont Monophyodont Absent None 10. Protozoans are mainly classified on the basis of: Locomotary organ Types of nuclei Contractile vacuole Mode of nutrition None 1 out of 5 11. Which one of the following cells maintains water currents in sponges? Porocyte Choanocyte Myocyte Chromocyte None 12. Polymorphism is shown in: Hydrozoa Anthozoa Scyphozoa Actinozoa None 13. Peripatus is connecting link between: Annelida and Arthropoda Annelida and Platyhelminthes Annelida and Mollusca Mollusca and Arthropoda None 14. Respiration in Asterias occurs in the: Pedicellarial Ossicles Papulae Madreporite None 15. Balanoglossus belongs to the group: Annelida Urochordata Hemichordata Cephalochordata None 16. The enzyme which hydrolyses triglycerides to fatty acid and glycerol is called : Pepsin Lipase Maltase Zymase None 17. The formation of glucose from non-carbohydrate is called: Glucogenesis Gluconeogenesis Glycogenesis Glycolysis None 18. If nerves of heart are cut then heart will: Beat rhythmically Stop Beat arythmically Shrink None 19. The end product of anaerobic respiration is: Lactic acid Oxalic acid Glucose-1 6 phosphatase Pyruvic acid None 20. Which one of the following mostly acts as a inhibitory neurotransmitter? Epinephrine GABA Acelylocholine Histamine None 2 out of 5 21. Which one of the following functions is performed by the liver? Deamination Glucagon production Bile production Detoxification None 22. Which of the following is termed as cytochrome oxidase? cyt b + C1 cyt a + a3 cyt a+C cyt C1 None 23. Link between glycolysis, Kreb' s cycle and Beta-oxidation of fatty acid or carbohydrate and fat metabolism is: Oxaloacetic Acetyl CoA Citric acid Succinic acid None 24. Which one of the following statements about a plot of velocity v/s substrate concentration for an enzyme that follows Michaelis Menten Kinetics is false? Km is the substrate concentration at which V=1/2 Vmax The shape of the curve is hyperbola As substrate concentration increases the initial velocity of reaction V also increases At very high substrate concentration the velocity curve becomes a horizontal line that intersects the Y-axis at Km None 25. Reabsorption of water in distal parts of kidney tubules/urine formation is controlled by: Relaxin Calcitonin Oxytocin Vasopressin None 26. The most abundant protein in the human body is: Myosin Albumin Collagen Haemoglobin None 27. Which one of the following digestive juices has the minimum pH Gastric juice Bile Pancreatic juice Saliva None 28. How much oxygen is transported by one gram of haemoglobin in blood? 20 ml 2.34 ml 4 ml 1.34 ml None 29. Fat soluble vitamins are: A, B and C A, B and D A, D, E and K C and D None 30. Endoenzymes act at: Acidic pH Alkaline pH Neutral pH Any pH None 3 out of 5 31. The mechanism by which bacterial DNA is transferred into another bacterial cell through a phage is known as: Transduction Transformation Conjugation Translation None 32. Plasmids occur in: Viruses Chromosomes Bacteria Chloroplasts None 33. The causative agent of tuberculosis is: Mycobacterium Pneumococcus Streptomyces Salmonella None 34. Broad spectrum antibiotics are produced by: Streptomyces Aspergillus Penicillium Bacillus subtillis None 35. The first clonal animal of the world is: Molly sheep Polly sheep Dolly sheep Molly goat None 36. Restriction enzymes may be used for: Making recombinant DNA Gene mapping Diagnosis of genetic disease All of the above None 37. Transgenic oraganisms are produced by: Deleting sex chromosomes Inducing gene mutations Intoducing foreign genes Arresting spindle fibre formation None 38. The best method to protect genetic resource is: Gene library Cloning of plants Cryopreservation Germinal cell cloning None 39. Clonal cell lines can be obtained by: Autoradiography Tissue culture Centrifugation Cell fractionation None 40. The eloctron microscope is made up of: Flurochromes Polariser and analyser filter electromagnetic lenses Objective and ocular lenses None 4 out of 5 41. Give the correct order of the procedures listed below, to prepare a specimen for microscopic examination: Embedding, rehydration, dehydration, mounting, fixation, staining, sectioning Embedding, dehydration, rehydration, mounting, fixation, staining, sectioning Fixation, dehydration, embedding, sectioning, staining, mounting, rehydration Fixation, dehydration, embedding, sectioning, rehydration, staining, mounting None 42. The process by which amount of DNA, RNA and protien can be known at a time is: Cell fractionation Autoradiography Phase contrast microscopy Tissue culture None 43. The hormone which causes growth of body is secreted by: Anterior pituitary gland Posterior pituitary gland Thyroid gland Adrenal gland None 44. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) is primarily used by: 3-D external surface only 3-D internal study of tissue 2-D external study 2-D internal study None 45. Hyposecretion of neurohypophysis causes: Goitre Encephalitis Diabetes insipidus Diabetes mellitus None 46. Which pair of hormones acts as synergistic hormones? Estrogen and testosterone Estrogen and FSH Progesterone and FSH FSH and LH None 47. Who first isolated and crystallized thyroxine? Addison W. Beaumont Pavlov Kocher None 48. Cretinism is due to less secretion of : Adrenal gland Thyroid gland Parathyroid gland Pituitary gland None 49. Living cells can be studied by : Phase contrast microscope Fluorescent microscope Electron microscope Light microscope None 50. The statements true about viruses is : They are living organisms They are larger than bacteria They have DNA or RNA They replicate in animal cells only None 5 out of 5 Time's up
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