M.Sc Environmental Science Exam BHU 2020 Solved Question Paper

Banaras Hindu University M.Sc. Environmental Science Solved Question Paper 2020

The M.Sc. environmental science entrance exam consists of 2 sections.

Section A- (Compulsory for all) 40 questions from Basic environmental science.

Section B- 80 questions for Life science or Zoology and Botany students


Section B- 80 questions for Physical science


Section B- 80 questions for Earth science students

Section A is provided below

Section A- Basic Environment Science

2020 Question Paper

  1. Nickel is an essential for which enzyme in plants ?
    1.   Fructose- 1,6- bisphosphatase
    2.   Urease
    3.   Catalase
    4.   Sucrose synthase
  2. Major reservoir of atmospheric OH molecule is :
    1.   Hydroperoxyl radical
    2.   Ozone
    3.   Hydrogen peroxide
    4.   Methane
  3. How many goals are there in UN Sustainable Development Goals ?
    1.   Seven
    2.   Seventeen
    3.   Fifteen
    4.   Ten
  4. Nutrient enrichment of water leads to :
    1.   Solidification
    2.   Nitrification
    3.   Dentrification
    4.   Eutrophication
  5. Which of the following is the major source of atmospheric SO2 pollution ?
    1.   Coal combustion
    2.   Global warming
    3.   Automobile emissions
    4.   Biomass burning
  6. Which among the following weeds in India having religion significance ?
    1.   Eupatorium perfoliarum
    2.   Panhenium hysterophorus
    3.   Calorropis procera
    4.   Ageratum conyzoides
  7. Which of the following is a biodiversity hotspot in India ?
    1.   Sunderbans
    2.   Pachmarhi
    3.   Rann of Kuch
    4.   Western Ghats
  8. UN agency for making policy guidelines regarding biodiversity conservation
    and management is :
    1.   IUCN
    2.   IPBES
    3.   DIVERSITA
    4.   IPCC
  9. Blackfoot disease is caused by :
    1.   Cadmium
    2.   Mercury
    3.   Arsenic
    4.   Zinc
  10. Largest source of freshwater resource on the Earth is
    1.   Glaciers and permanent snow
    2.   Groundwater
    3.   Lakes and rivers
    4.   Marshes and wetlands
  11. Y- shaped energy flow model in the ecosystem was proposed by
    1.   Lindeman
    2.   Wiegert and Owen
    3.   Odum
    4.   Golley
  12. Hot spots are the regions which are rich in
    1.   Biodiversity
    2.   Invasive species
    3.   Nomadic population
    4.   Atmospheric pollutants
  13. The Environment (Protection) Act came into force in the year
    1.   1974
    2.   1980
    3.   1984
    4.   1986
  14. Which of the following law states that the absorptivity and emissivity of a
    substance are equal at each wavelength, λ ?
    1.   Stefan Boltzmann Law
    2.   Stock’s Law
    3.   Kirchhoff’s Law
    4.   Henry Law
  15. The capacity of an ecosystem to come back to its original state after a disturbance :
    1.   Biotic potential
    2.   Ecesis
    3.   Carrying capacity
    4.   Resilience
  16. DDT is an example of :
    1.   Carbonate
    2.   Pyrethroids
    3.   Organophosphate
    4.   Organochloride
  17. Which of the following is the cleanest city of India ?
    1.   Ahmedabad
    2.   Bhopal
    3.   Shillong
    4.   Indore
  18. Large sized vessels for producing an industrial product at large scale is known as :
    1.   Incubator
    2.   Autoclave
    3.   Bioreactors
    4.   Centrifuge
  19. Halocline is the region showing change in :
    1.   Salinity
    2.   Pressure
    3.   Density
    4.   Temperature
  20. The agency responsible for monitoring SDGs implimentation in India :
    1.   NGT
    2.   MoEF & CC
    3.   NITI Aayog
    4.   DST
  21. Kanha National Park is situated in :
    1.   Assam
    2.   Madhya Pradesh
    3.   Uttar Pradesh
    4.   Maharashtra
  22. The flattest planet of the Solar System is :
    1.   Pluto
    2.   Jupiter
    3.   Mars
    4.   Saturn
  23. ‘Good economics for hard times’ written by :
    1.   Y.N. Harari
    2.   A. Banerjee & E.Duflo
    3.   Jefferey D. Sachs
    4.   Aldo Leopold
  24. The measurement of appropriation of land and water area utilizable as a resource
    as well as for the absorption of wastes is commonly referred to as :
    1.   Material footprint
    2.   Water footprint
    3.   Ecological footprint
    4.   Energy footprint
  25. The metal used to recover copper from a solution of copper sulphate is :
    1.   Na
    2.   Ag
    3.   Hg
    4.   Fe
  26. Polar orbiting satellites are generally placed at an altitude of :
    1.   7-15 km
    2.   700- 1500 km
    3.   7000- 15000 km
    4.   70- 150 km
  27. Which of the following is a major coal reserve in India ?
    1.   Jaunpur
    2.   Hissar
    3.   Jharia
    4.   Kottayam
  28. Red data list includes those species that are :
    1.   Harmful to human beings
    2.   Responsible for pollution
    3.   Facing the risk of extinction
    4.   Abundant in nature
  29. Which among the following is the classical book which
    addressed the impact of DDT pollution is ?
    1.   The Sea Around Us
    2.   The Sand Country Almanac
    3.   Once Straw Revolution
    4.   Silent Spring
  30. Which of the following is mixed with Bitumen to lay roads ?
    1.   Polychain
    2.   Polybend
    3.   Polynone
    4.   Polyclean
  31. Among of biodegradable oraganic matter in sewage water is estimated by measuring :
    1.   Hardness
    2.   Biochemical Oxygen Demand
    3.   Chemical Oxygen Demand
    4.   Alkalinity
  32. Which of the following is an invasive species in India ?
    1.   Water hyacinth
    2.   Water lily
    3.   Water chestnut
    4.   Fox nut
  33. Rad is a :
    1.   Unit of radiation in environment
    2.   Unit of radioactivity
    3.   Unit of absorbed radiation dose
    4.   Unit of radioactive breakdown of Radon
  34. Which type of coal contain maximum sulphur ?
    1.   Bituminous
    2.   Anthracite
    3.   Peat
    4.   Lignite
  35. In accordance of the ‘Paris Agreement’, India’s commitment to increase
    the share of renewable energy by the year 2030 is :
    1.   40% of installed capacity
    2.   40% of utilized capacity
    3.   45% of installed capacity
    4.   45% of utilized capacity
  36. UN has recently declared 2021-2030 as :
    1.   International decade of ecosystem restoration
    2.   International decade of marine conservation
    3.   International decade of forest restoration
    4.   International decade of biodiversity conservation
  37. Which of the following antibiotics block protein synthesis in bacteria ?
    1.   Ampicillin
    2.   Pencillin
    3.   Carbenicilin
    4.   Tetracycline
  38. Rill, gully and riparian are types of :
    1.   Wind erosion
    2.   Water erosion
    3.   None of the three
    4.   Landslide erosion
  39. In an ecosystem, the flow of energy is :
    1.   Unidirectional
    2.   Mutidirectional
    3.   Cyclic
    4.   Bidirectional
  40. Most abundant element of earth crust is :
    1.   Sulphur
    2.   Aluminium
    3.   Iron
    4.   Oxygen

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